논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2022-10 The relationship between carbon-intensive fuel and renewable energy stock prices under the emissions trading system Energy Economics
2022-05 How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Credit Default Swap Spreads? ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STUDIES
2021-11 The Relationship between Asymmetric Downside Beta and Stock Returns: Evidence from the Korean Stock Market 재무연구
2021-09 Improving liquidity in emission trading schemes JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS
2021-05 안전자산과 포트폴리오 성과에 관한 연구 재무연구
2021-03 The housing consumption capital asset pricing model with an antichresis rent market: Nonseparability and composition risk REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS
2020-12 Distinctive Features of Student Borrowers and Suboptimal Investor Decision-Making: Evidence from the P2P Lending Market ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STUDIES