논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2023-09 A layered approach to designing public health communication diagram for improved information accessibility IASDR
2022-09 과학적 정보 학습의 인지부하 감소를 위한 모바일 인포그래픽 형식의 개발 Journal of Integrated Design Research
2022-06 Eco²: Evaluation of a Service Concept for Improving the Consumer’s Energy­money Saving Attitude and Behavior Change Intention Journal of Integrated Design Research
2022-06 Envisioning personal finance and expense tracking for a sustainable future Proceedings of DRS
2022-03 aTag: Stats, A User Interface to Warn of Statistically Fallacious Claims in the News Journal of Integrated Design Research
2021-12 aTag:half_truth, a user interface to warn of the fallacy in the claims reported in the news IASDR
2021-12 mTag: a visual abstract of a reported clinical trial for self-medication accident prevention IASDR
2021-12 백신 접종의 혜택–위험 이해도 제고를 위한 통계정보 시각화 3종의 개발과 효과 검증 Journal of Integrated Design Research
2020-11 Redesigning the Korean Blood Pressure Chart Archives of Design Research(디자인학연구)
2020-09 rTag view ‑보도된 미확인 정보의 비판적 수용을 위한 관련 기사 제공 UI의 개발과 평가‑ Journal of Digital Interaction Design
2020-06 The accuracy and sufficiency of information in the blood pressure chart Journal of Digital Interaction Design
2020-02 Visualization of Actionable Food Knowledge: Lessons from the Development of the Food Balance Lunchbox Archives of Design Research(디자인학연구)
2019-09 Food Balance Lunchbox: Enabling Healthy Eating by Knowledge IASDR
2018-06 Socio-Cultural Factors in Diabetes Care in South Korea Proceedings of DRS
2017-10 Designing Language Learning for Migrant Workers’ Workplace Integration IASDR
2016-06 The cycle of interdisciplinary learning and theory-solution building in design research Proceedings of DRS
2015-11 Fostering Agency in Second Language Learning: Designing the Finnish case IASDR