논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-05 스포츠 안전사고 중요요인에 대한 참여자와 지도자의 인식유형 분석 및 비교 : Q방법론을 중심으로 Journal of Korean Leisure Science
2024-04 Leisure Activity, Leisure Satisfaction, and Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being Among Older Adults With Cancer Experience PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS
2024-00 A Phenomenological Exploration of the Intersectionality of Body Image and Identity of Female Rugby Players Leisure Sciences
2023-11 “배드민턴은 나에게 지팡이에요”: 베이비붐 세대들의 배드민턴을 통한 진지한 여가와 성공적 노화 경험 한국체육학회지
2023-11 Older adults benefit from a new community-based physical activity programme Annals of Leisure Research
2023-09 “At this age, I can do anything”: a phenomenological study exploring self-efficacy in pole dancing among middle-aged women Leisure Studies
2023-09 Geographically varying associations between mentally unhealthy days and social vulnerability in the USA Public Health
2023-07 Results From South Korean 2022 Para Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents With Disabilities Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
2023-06 Body positivity through creative immersion: A qualitative study of women’s pole dancing experiences Health Care for Women International
2023-04 Leisure Participation, Physical Health, and Mental Health in Older Adults Activities, Adaptation and Aging
2023-03 Savouring the ordinary moments in the midst of trauma: benefits of casual leisure on adjustment following traumatic spinal cord injury Leisure Studies
2023-03 중⋅장년 여성의 진지한 여가로서의 한국무용 참여의 의미 한국체육학회지
2022-11 코로나19 상황 속 피클볼 참여자들의 여가제약 및 여가촉진 경험 여가학연구
2022-11 Intergenerational service learning outcomes for event management undergraduates involved in organizing Pickleball events Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education
2022-10 Pickleball, Personality, and Eudaimonic Well-Being in Middle-Aged and Older Adults Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
2022-08 다층모형을 활용한 중·고령층 장애인의 스트레스, 인터넷 사용, 문화기반시설 및 삶의 만족에 관한 연구 여가학연구
2022-08 Leisure, eudaimonic behavior, physical activity and well-being of older adults JOURNAL OF LEISURE RESEARCH
2022-07 Tearing down the barriers to exercise after mastectomy: a qualitative inquiry to facilitate exercise among breast cancer survivors BMJ OPEN
2022-06 장애아동 보호자의 가족여가 참여와 회복탄력성 한국여가레크리에이션학회지
2022-05 노인의 진지한 여가로서의 파크골프 참여의 의미 한국체육학회지
2022-03 노인의 실버태권도 프로그램 참여동기와 지속효과 및 제약사항에 대한 탐색적 연구 한국체육학회지
2022-02 Leisure and Social Supports in Relation to Positive Affect Among Older Adults JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY
2022-01 "When I Sing, I Feel Peaceful": Experiences of Older Choral Singers From North Korea JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY
2021-10 Deconstructing serious leisure using identity theory JOURNAL OF LEISURE RESEARCH
2021-09 노인스포츠지도사의 직업정체성이 경력변경의도에 미치는 영향: 회복탄력성의 매개효과를 중심으로 한국여가레크리에이션학회지
2021-07 외상 후 스트레스 장애가 있는 북한이탈주민 여성 노인의 합창단 활동과 회복 탄력성 및 성공적 노화에 관한 사례연구 한국체육학회지
2021-04 Sport Participation and Happiness Among Older Adults: A Mediating Role of Social Capital JOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES
2021-03 여가활동으로서의 모바일 증강현실 게임의 체험 의미: Pokemon GO를 하는 40 이상 성인 이용자를 중심으로 한국여가레크리에이션학회지
2021-03 미국 노인들의 피클볼 참여 경험과 성공적 노화 : 미국피클볼협회(USAPA) 소속 앰버서더(Ambassador)를 대상으로 한국체육학회지
2021-01 노인들의 몰입경험, 낙관성, 주관적 연령의 관계분석: 경험표집법(ESM)을 중심으로 한국체육학회지
2020-10 여가활동 참여를 통한 시니어 패션모델의 성공적 노화 : 선택·최적화·보완(SOC) 전략 유형을 중심으로 한국사회체육학회지
2020-09 노인의 진지한 여가로서의 마스터즈 수영대회 참가의 의미 한국체육학회지
2020-08 Older women’s perspectives on leisure commitment for coping with chronic illnesses HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL
2020-07 Voluntary dance performance as serious leisure and successful ageing LEISURE STUDIES
2020-06 진지한 여가로서의 성인 발레 참여경험과 삶의 질 한국여성체육학회지
2020-06 가족의 지지를 통한 여성 노인의 여가활동 참여: 시니어 패션모델을 중심으로 한국여가레크리에이션학회지
2020-04 Feeling authentic during playing pickleball in later life: Predicting positive psychological functioning SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL
2020-03 Subjective well-being, activity types, and social context in undergraduate students’ daily experiences: An experience sampling study College Student Journal
2019-11 Proximity to parks and natural areas as an environmental determinant to spatial disparities in obesity prevalence APPLIED GEOGRAPHY
2019-10 사별 여성노인의 커뮤니티 댄스교실 참여와 성공적 노화 한국사회체육학회지
2019-10 Senior fashion models’ perspectives on serious leisure and successful aging EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY
2019-08 시니어 모델을 통한 자아 재발견에 관한 근거이론 여가학연구
2019-04 Life experience of older women with chronic conditions: Flow and Balance as a coping resource EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY
2019-01 Serious leisure profiles and well-being of older Korean adults LEISURE STUDIES
2018-09 Serious leisure and depression in older adults: a study of pickleball players LEISURE STUDIES
2018-08 Relationships between leisure activity types and well-being in older adults LEISURE STUDIES
2018-03 An Examination of Motivation and Identification of Football Fans Journal of Applied Marketing Theory
2018-03 Understanding pickleball as a new leisure pursuit among older adults EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY
2018-01 Benefits of leisure activities for health and life satisfaction among Western migrants Annals of Leisure Research
2018-01 Importance of playing pickleball for older adults’ subjective well-being: A serious leisure perspective JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY
2017-08 The effects of leisure-time physical activity for optimism, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, and positive affect among older adults with loneliness Annals of Leisure Research
2017-06 Leisure activities, optimism, and personal growth among the young-old, old-old, and oldest-old EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY
2017-04 Physical Activity Levels and Well-Being in Older Adults PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS
2016-12 Determinants of Engagement in Leisure-time Physical Activity ? Dialogue with Senior Athletes CANADIAN JOURNAL ON AGING-REVUE CANADIENNE DU VIEILLISSEMENT
2016-09 Migrating to the East: a qualitative investigation of acculturation and leisure activities LEISURE STUDIES
2016-09 Life Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being of Older Adults With Cancer Experience: The Role of Optimism and Volunteering INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGING & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
2016-07 Leisure-Related Predictors on a Sense of Purpose in Life among Older Adults with Cancer Activities, Adaptation and Aging
2016-06 Contribution of Leisure-Time Physical Activity on Psychological Benefits Among Elderly Immigrants APPLIED RESEARCH IN QUALITY OF LIFE
2016-02 Relaxation and watching televised sports among older adults EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY
2016-01 Exploring the relationship between types of leisure activities and acculturation among Korean immigrants LEISURE STUDIES