논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-02 A Long Way to “Zou-Chu-Qu”: Some Dilemma in China’s Digital Belt and Road Initiative 중국지역연구
2023-12 Ownership Concentration, State Ownership, and the Firm Value for the Chinese Start-Ups 무역통상학회지
2023-12 Aftermath of the Film-Market Opening: Competitiveness Building in China and Korea Korean Social Science Journal
2023-10 Does Environmental Responsibility Lower 'Double Hurdle'? Emerging Multinationals in Global Natural-Resource Industry Asian Journal of Business Environment
2023-09 Digital Orientation for Emerging Multinationals and the Location Strategies in Internationalization: The Chinese Experience 아태비즈니스연구
2023-09 Competitiveness-Building Strategy for Becoming a Long-Lasting Brand: The History of Boon Rawd Brewery in Thailand 유라시아연구
2023-07 외국인비용과 ESG 성과: 법적 근원의 시각에서 아태경상저널
2023-07 Outward Foreign Direct Investment Drive and the Subsidy Effects on Private-Owned Enterprise in China 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지
2023-07 Knowledge distance and innovation performance: the moderating role of internationalization breadth and depth Asian Business and Management
2023-06 Do Chinese Private-Owned Enterprises Really Go to the Foreign Market?: An Agency-Theory Approach 국제통상연구
2023-06 신흥시장에서 기업의 환경보호 활동과 글로벌 전략적 제휴: 사회적 정당성 관점에서 경영연구
2023-06 Between Social Expectations and Social Performances: Challenges for the SDG Partnership in Korea Korean Social Science Journal
2023-05 A Changing League of Their Own: The Effects of Board Network on Foreign Ownership in Taiwan 경영경제연구
2023-05 중국의 디지털법 법제화 전개: 기술무역장벽의 관점에서 경영사학
2023-03 사회적 책임(CSR)이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향: 중국에서 광고집중도와 환경오염도의 조절 효과를 중심으로 아태비즈니스연구
2023-03 수자원 관리 정보시스템의 사회경제적 영향 평가: 우즈베키스탄 사업의 사례 아태연구
2023-02 The effects of political ties on innovation performance in China: Differences between central and local governments Asian Business and Management
2022-12 The Effects of Managerial Tie Traits on Foreign-Market Commitment Korean Social Science Journal
2022-06 A Perspective for Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation in International Business and the Implications for Korea Korean Social Science Journal
2021-09 Approaches to Standards Cooperation with ASEAN and the Relevance to Aid for Trade 아태연구
2021-02 The Effects of Political Ties on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Performance in China 경영사연구
2021-02 The Role of Standardisation Initiatives in Local Industrial Development: The Chinese Ginseng Experience GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
2020-10 The changing patterns of China’s international standardization in ICT under techno-nationalism: A reflection through 5G standardization INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
2020-05 The History of Sino-ASEAN Technology Cooperation: Review of the Recent Two Decades 경영사연구
2019-12 Informal Ties and the Effects on Innovation : Analysis on the Chinese Information Technology (IT) Firms 산업혁신연구
2019-10 Multinational companies and the corporate social responsibility at home: the stakeholder approach MANAGEMENT DECISION
2019-02 Legitimacy building and e-commerce platform development in China: The experience of Alibaba TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2018-11 중국의 개혁개방 시기 이후 경영학 교육사 경영사연구
2018-09 지속가능 성장 전략으로서의 국제표준화와 개도국의 과제: 중국 간쑤성의 쿠슈이 장미오일 사례를 중심으로 국제개발협력연구
2018-08 How the Parent-Subsidiary Relationship Encourages Subsidiary-Driven Innovation and Performance in Korea: The Perspective of Subsidiary Autonomy ASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION
2018-06 Building Global Brands for Chinese Private-Owned Enterprises: Strategic Paths to Upgrade the Value Chain Issues and Studies
2017-09 표준화 관점에서 본 중국의 일대일로 전략: 고속철도 기술의 사례 한국공공관리학보
2017-09 Standards as a driving force that influences emerging technological trajectories in the converging world of the Internet and things: An investigation of the M2M/IoT patent network RESEARCH POLICY
2017-06 두산 120년 - 적응과 변신의 역사 경영사학
2016-12 Comparison of WiBro and TD?LTE deployment networks: implications for standards competition International Journal of Services and Standards
2016-09 The Role of Trade Associations in Environmental Compliance Under Limited Enforcement: The case of small businesses ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE
2016-05 THE ROLE OF DISTANCE IN INTER-FIRM LEARNING FOR GLOBAL R&D ALLIANCES International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
2015-12 표준필수특허제도의 비교분석 및 기술추격 정책에 대한 함의: 미-중 표준필수특허 소송을 중심으로 동서연구
2015-10 The Chinese Films in the Global Market: What Determines the Popularity? International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
2015-09 An Exploratory Study on the Transition from OEM to OBM: Case Studies of SMEs in Korea INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION
2015-06 What Determines Acquisition as the Next Strategic Choice: An Alliance-Network Approach International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
2015-03 신흥시장국 기업의 해외 인수 전략에 있어서 제도적 환경의 영향: 중국 기업을 중심으로 국제통상연구
2015-01 ICT Standards Cooperation among China-Japan-Korea: ‘In the Same Bed with Different Dreams’ International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research
2015-01 Estimating Tobin’s Q for Listed Firms in Korea (1980-2005): Comparing Alternative Approaches and an Experiment with Investment Functions Seoul Journal of Economics
2014-12 Internationalization of Korean banks during crises: The network view of learning and commitment INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW
2014-11 The latecomer strategy for global ICT standardization: Indigenous innovation and its dilemma TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY
2014-11 Standards, innovation, and latecomer economic development: Conceptual issues and policy challenges TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY
2014-10 Subsidiary goals, learning orientations, and ownership strategies of multinational enterprises: evidence from foreign direct investments in Korea ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS REVIEW
2014-08 A cross-cultural study of path from consumer innovativeness to perceived product value, and to purchase intention: Evidence from smart phone users in Korea and the U.S 연세경영연구
2014-08 China's information security standardization: Analysis from the perspective of technical barriers to trade principles TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY
2013-12 공동제작 방식의 문제점과 해결방안: 중국의 영화산업에 진출한 한국의 중소영화사를 중심으로 연세경영연구
2013-09 독자적 기술 표준의 성공 사례 연구: 애플의 아이폰에 관한 전략적 측면을 중심으로 지식경영연구
2013-04 온라인 정보보호 및 프라이버시에 관한 국제 표준 개발* 디지털정책연구
2013-03 Pre-clusterization and Competitiveness: An Exploratory Study of Korean Small and Middle-sized Enterprises in China 국제통상연구
2013-02 Sequential internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises from newly industrializing economies: The Korean experience in China ASIAN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT
2013-01 한국 FTA와 중국 FTA의 TBT 장 비교분석: 한중 FTA TBT 협상에 주는 함의 국제지역연구
2012-11 The evolution of alliance structure in China's mobile telecommunication industry and implications for international standardization TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY
2012-08 기술표준화, 기술확산과 기술국가주의: 산자이(山寨) 휴대폰의 성장 사례를 중심으로 POSRI경영연구
2012-06 A Study on Global Orientation in New Product Development among Small and Medium-Sized Firms Seoul Journal of Business
2012-04 양손잡이 제휴(Ambidextrous Alliance)가 기업 성과에 미치는 영향 기술혁신연구
2012-02 The role of networking and commitment in foreign market entry process: Multinational corporations in the Chinese automobile industry INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW
2012-01 Places for Korean firms in China: looking for a viable international division of labor in 1990-2010 JOURNAL OF THE ASIA PACIFIC ECONOMY
2011-09 한국기업 해외직접투자 역사와 전략 경영사학
2011-09 한국 상장기업에 있어서 외국인 이사 선임의 요인 분석: 자원의존이론의 관점에서 국제통상연구
2011-08 Government coordination of conflicting interests in standardisation: case studies of indigenous ICT standards in China and South Korea TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2011-06 다국적 기업의 중국 진출모드 결정요인에 관한 실증연구: 인수와 조인트벤처간 선택을 중심으로 연세경영연구
2011-06 Does China Love Hollywood? An Empirical Study on the Determinants of the Box-Office Performance of the Foreign Films in China International Area Studies Review
2011-06 The Recent Evidence of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Focusing on Ownership Structure, Entry Mode, and Location Choices 국제지역연구
2010-07 Supplier Relationship in Product Development: A Survey of Chinese Automobile Industry during the Growth Period, 2005-2007 International Area Review
2010-02 부품시장의 전망과 국내자동차부품기업의 중국진출전략 국제통상연구
2009-02 An Empirical Study of "Fringe Benefits" and Performance of the Korean Firms International Journal of Business and Management
2006-12 국내 소재 주요 다국적 기업들의 연구개발 패턴 및 시사점: 내국인 주요 기업들과의 비교 기술혁신연구