논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2023-06 La Reichsstelle Metalle dans l'Europe occupée, juillet-août 1940: Les origines de la collaboration économique 20&21 Revue d'histoire
2023-01 Are Carcasses Political? German Veterinarians and the Modernization of Rendering Technology, 1864–1940 Technology and Culture
2022-09 Tuer la vache et récupérer la carcasse : le pillage nazi des métaux néerlandais, belges et français, mai-août 1940 Guerres Mondiales et Conflicts Contemporains
2022-06 Rethinking waste within business history: A transnational perspective on waste recycling in World War II BUSINESS HISTORY
2022-06 Korean kuzuya, 'German-style control' and the business of waste in wartime Japan, 1931-1945 BUSINESS HISTORY
2022-03 Les Lillois occupés face aux réquisitions allemandes de métaux, 1914-1918 MOUVEMENT SOCIAL
2022-02 Humour quand même -Requisitioning Laughter in Vichy France- 프랑스사 연구
2021-12 ‘Wer nicht hier war... ist überhaupt kein Europäer’ - Old Paris and a New Europe in Interwar German Guidebooks and their Parodies 독일어문화권연구
2021-12 “Double-Think” in Vichy France: Translating German Literature in the Lyonnais Literary Review Confluences, 1941-1943 인문언어
2021-12 “German” Freedom: A Literary and Historical Explanation for the Virality of Nikolaus Becker’s “Rheinlied” 세계 역사와 문화 연구
2019-10 New Caledonian Nickel and the Origins of the Axis Alliance, 1931–40 JOURNAL OF PACIFIC HISTORY
2014-10 Tokyo Rosalie? A Franco-Japanese Envoy and Entrepreneur in the South Pacific, 1890-1959 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES
2014-05 Steel of Victory, Scrap of Defeat: Mobilizing the French Home Front, 1939-1940 WAR & SOCIETY
2014-03 In God's Empire: French Missionaries and the Modern World. CHURCH HISTORY
2013-12 More Valuable than Gold: Korean Tungsten and the Japanese War Economy, 1910 to 1945 SEOUL JOURNAL OF KOREAN STUDIES
2013-08 'Recuperez!' The German Origins of French Wartime Salvage Drives, 1939-1945 CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN HISTORY
2013-07 구리 도둑: 금속 징발과 총력전쟁 1914-1945 서양사론
2013-04 Robert Charles Fouque (1887-1931), un mediateur franco-japonais en Nouvelle-Caledonie Bulletin d`Etudes Historiques de la Nouvelle-Caledonie
2012-12 'General Humanity of an Old and Civilized People'?: The Italian Occupation Zone in France and the Protection of the Jews 서양사학연구