논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-01 A survey on multimodal bidirectional machine learning translation of image and natural language processing Expert Systems with Applications
2023-10 Classification of mathematical test questions using machine learning on datasets of learning management system questions PLoS ONE
2023-09 HSGA: A Hybrid LSTM-CNN Self-Guided Attention to Predict the Future Diagnosis From Discharge Narratives IEEE Access
2023-08 감성 분석을 위한 FinBERT 미세 조정: 데이터 세트와 하이퍼파라미터의 효과성 탐구 인터넷정보학회논문지
2023-08 생의학 분야 키워드 추출 모델에 대한 비교 연구 인터넷정보학회논문지
2023-08 Analysis of Psychological Factors Influencing Mathematical Achievement and Machine Learning Classification Mathematics
2023-07 Autoregressive Decoder With Extracted Gap Sessions for Sequential/Session-Based Recommendation IEEE ACCESS
2023-06 Evolution of Deep Learning-Based Sequential Recommender Systems: From Current Trends to New Perspectives IEEE Access
2023-05 Long-Term Influenza Outbreak Forecast Using Time-Precedence Correlation of Web Data IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
2023-04 COVID-19 outbreak prediction using Seq2Seq + Attention and Word2Vec keyword time series data PLoS ONE
2023-02 Petroleum Price Prediction with CNN-LSTM and CNN-GRU Using Skip-Connection Mathematics
2023-01 Survey of Landmark-based Indoor Positioning Technologies Information Fusion
2022-12 Effectively computing transition patterns with privacy-preserved trajectory datasets PLoS ONE
2022-11 Accurate prediction of electricity consumption using a hybrid CNN-LSTM model based on multivariable data PLoS ONE
2022-10 Deep learning-based privacy-preserving framework for synthetic trajectory generation Journal of Network and Computer Applications
2022-10 A Multi-Headed Transformer Approach for Predicting the Patient's Clinical Time-Series Variables From Charted Vital Signs IEEE Access
2022-09 Deep similarity analysis and forecasting of actual outbreak of major infectious diseases using Internet-Sourced data Journal of Biomedical Informatics
2022-08 순차적 추천에서의 RNN, CNN 및 GAN 모델 비교 연구 인터넷정보학회논문지
2022-08 사전 학습된 BERT 기반 모델을 이용한 구어체 텍스트 요약 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
2022-08 역순 워크 포워드 검증을 이용한 암호화폐 가격 예측 인터넷정보학회논문지
2022-04 Privacy-preserving mechanisms for location privacy in mobile crowdsensing: A survey JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS
2021-12 A Survey Of differential privacy-based techniques and their applicability to location-Based services COMPUTERS & SECURITY
2021-10 Reliability check via weight similarity in privacy-preserving multi-party machine learning INFORMATION SCIENCES
2021-07 EagleEye: A Worldwide Disease-Related Topic Extraction System Using a Deep Learning Based Ranking Algorithm and Internet-Sourced Data SENSORS
2021-06 A deep attention model to forecast the Length Of Stay and the in-hospital mortality right on admission from ICD codes and demographic data JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021-05 CESCR: CP-ABE for efficient and secure sharing of data in collaborative ehealth with revocation and no dummy attribute PLOS ONE
2021-05 Effective training data extraction method to improve influenza outbreak prediction from online news articles: Deep learning model study JMIR medical informatics